Bates College Democrats

Bates College

Lewiston, Maine

About Bates Democrats

Bates Democrats are concerned students and citizens who tend to vote for Democrats, and are politically active and aware. We sponsor speakers, work on election campaigns, host forums and debates on campus, and engage in discussions on hot political topics. In joining us, you can have an impact on the world beyond Bates.

Our club is most active in the Fall leading up to election season. In the past, we have had in-person guest speakers, including Jared Golden, Angus King, and Safiya Khalid, and many more politicians. We frequently meet with local political activists and candidates to discuss current issues, campaigns, and much more! We work on get out the vote efforts, phonebanking, canvassing, signature gathering, and registering students to vote. We also hold a State of the Union and candidate political debate (coordinated with Politics and Rhetoric departments) watch parties. We also met with democratic campaign figures (DCCC representatives) who provide contacts for volunteer opportunities on campaigns.

Join & Find out More

Join the Bates College Democrats, or click the link below to find out more about the official Bates chapter!